PRP Facelifts

PRP Facelift

The PRP facelift is a non-surgical treatment that mimics the young, rejuvenating benefits of a facelift.

This is a cosmetic procedure that uses your blood to fight signs of aging potential. After drawing the patient’s blood from their arm, medical professionals will use a centrifuge (a machine for separating fluids by density) to separate platelets and inject them with hyaluronic acid filler like Juvéderm. It may be used on individuals of any age without danger, but if you are allergic to specific substances, make sure you know what they all include before going through this procedure!


What Is The Procedure?

The medical procedure of a PRP facelift could be the secret to maintaining your youthful appearance. After having their blood drawn and spun in that centrifuge, PRP is injected back into the skin with tiny needles (though some doctors opt for injecting filler first). The numbing cream will keep you from feeling any pain as they cleanse away those deep wrinkles or creases on your face before applying this wonder drug called "PRP."

How to prepare?

Your doctor will give you specific instructions before your facelift, but here's the gist of what to do beforehand:
- Drink lots of water in the days leading up to it.
- Avoid unprotected sun exposure or tanning weeks before.
- Arrange a ride home if needed!

What to Expect Following a PRP Facelift?

You may notice some redness on your face after a PRP facelift, but the procedure itself is non-invasive and usually requires little downtime. Try to avoid touching your skin in the hours following surgery if you can help it; limiting contact with bacteria will reduce inflammation of any incisions or sutures afterward. If possible, take Tylenol for pain relief and use an ice pack (or another cold compress) as needed to keep swelling down while waiting out the recovery time. You'll see immediate improvement from filler injections that plump up areas like wrinkles around your mouth when they are injected into those creases—particularly helpful for people who have lost volume due to natural aging processes or weight loss over the years!

Is there any risk or side effect?

Side effects of a PRP facelift can include swelling, itching, bruising, and tingling or burning sensation. Rare reactions to hyaluronic acid fillers are also possible.

How to Find a PRP Facelift Provider?

This is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure. However, it should still be done by a trained medical professional who has the correct equipment and certification to perform this specialized surgery. Unfortunately, people try to do their aesthetic procedures at home with little or no regard for safety measures that are necessary to avoid injury. A doctor will meet with you beforehand before performing the treatment so they can answer any questions about what they'll do during your appointment as well as discuss risks of side effects from treatments such as numbing cream used on sensitive areas like around eyes or noses, which might result in allergic reactions if applied carelessly.

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